Ringing in the ears can occur for many reasons. One of those reasons is NOT because a person is talking about you. In fact, that’s a pretty foolish reason to consider, yet many people are still convinced. The real reasons behind ringing ears can actually be from a neck injury or a condition called Tinnitus, which is a physical condition that is caused by a neck injury or disruption in a person’s auditory system. Essentially, the problem is not in the ears but in a part of the neck, which affects the ears. In fact, the upper cervical spine (C1-C4) and the connecting nerves have a significant impact on the ears and a person’s hearing capabilities. Where some people prefer to drown out the ringing with “white noise” like an ambient sound or a fan, others depend on vitamins like B-12 to compensate for the irregularity in their body.
Although these are great options to help with relief, they are not cures and they are certainly not going to prevent the ringing from returning. However, there is a treatment that has been providing people with some very positive results. A chiropractor is doctor who focusses on conditions related to the spine. If you are experiencing ringing in the ears and the sound is becoming constant, then a chiropractic visit may be a great starting point for you. Call your local chiropractor for more details on how they can help you find relief for ringing in the ears.
The cervical spine (neck) houses many of the nerves that impact the functionality of a person’s vision and auditory systems. A subluxation in the cervical spine can result in a number of conditions that will not only affect a person’s brain and senses, but it can also have an influence on pain that is felt in the shoulders and arms. When a person has a neck injury or a subluxation in the cervical spine, it is common that more than one symptom will arise, such as eye aches, headaches, and even neck pain and shoulder pain. An upper neck or cranial adjustment can have a significant impact on many of these symptoms based on the interruption of the nerves that stem from the cervical spine.
If you are experiencing ringing in the ears and the sound is becoming constant, then a chiropractic visit may be a great starting point for you. Call your local chiropractor for more details on how they can help you find relief for ringing in the ears.