Neck pain can happen from any situation in life. From sleeping awkwardly to turning your head abruptly, neck pain is one of the most common reasons for people to seek chiropractic care. A study published by National Health Statistics Reports and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found the “use of complementary health approaches for any reason among persons with neck pain or problems was more than twice as high as use among persons without these problems” (, 2016). In this case, the term “complementary health approaches” includes chiropractic care and massage therapy.
Neck pain may be the result of participating in certain activities that can impact the biomechanics of the neck and cause musculoskeletal pain disorders in the upper body. According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), “Activities and events that affect cervical biomechanics include extended sitting, repetitive movement, accidents, falls and blows to the body or head, normal aging, and everyday wear and tear” (, 2017). Fortunately, there are preventable measures that a person can take to reduce the chances of neck pain occurring.
If you have neck pain, a chiropractor may be able to help you find pain relief, depending on your condition. Contact your local chiropractor to schedule an appointment today.
Here are 9 suggested ways to help prevent neck pain:
- Sleep with a Good Pillow
Sleeping with a good pillow supports the neck and can help you sleep better. These types of pillows help keep the head aligned with the spine to prevent awkward positioning when you sleep. Misalignments cause the neck muscles to stretch from the awkward position, and that’s what causes pain and a stiff neck in the morning.
- Proper Office Setting
Positioning your chair and computer screen will help prevent neck pain. Be sure to set your screen just below your eye level and directly in front of you. The position of your chair should be firm without leaning back to prevent your head from leaning forward. The weight of your head is approximately 10-12 pounds, and that can add stress to your back and shoulders, which can cause neck pain.
- Telephone Usage
Text neck develops from overusing smartphones. When the head is bent at a 60-degree angle, it adds approximately 60 pounds to your neck. There is also a high amount of stress that is added to your neck when you head is bent sideways to hold the phone between your ear and shoulder. Try to keep your head straight when using your smartphone and use a headset when available.
- Exercise the Neck
An active body is a stable body, and that means no neck pain. Studies have revealed that people who are physically active tend to have less neck pain in their lives. If you’re not very active, a routine is suggested for neck stretches and neck exercises to help strengthen your neck and upper back muscles.
- Practice Good Posture
Good posture is the key to preventing neck pain at work and at home. Forward head and shoulder posture from phone use or slouching can cause a tremendous amount of stress on the neck. One way to practice good posture is to stand with your back and head against a wall and place your hand between the arch in your back and the wall. Hold this position for two minutes with each arm.
- Proper Lifting & Carrying Techniques
Lifting and carrying heavy objects can put a lot of stress on the back, which can extend to the neck. Objects such as a heavy purse, heavy briefcase, or backpack can cause you to lean a certain way to compensate for the heavy object. Try to leave unnecessary objects in your car or at home to avoid additional weight on your back and neck.
- Incorporate Self-Massage
When neck pain becomes noticeable, a quick self-massage can help reduce painful symptoms. With your hands, grab the back of your neck, and with your thumbs closest to your spine, perform strong circular motions with your thumbs and palms. Another way is to roll your head like you’re stretching to help break up the tightness in the neck.
- Well-Balanced Diet
A well-balanced diet that is rich with fiber has been known to reduce inflammation. Inflammation in the shoulders and cervical spine can cause neck pain and lead to headaches and migraines if not treated. Foods such as fruits, veggies, lean meats, and plenty of water can also help reduce inflammation. This type of diet may also help you maintain good energy to stay active.
Neck pain arises for different reasons, and one of those reasons is a misaligned cervical spine. A chiropractor can help you realign your spine and get relief from the pain in your neck. Most chiropractors will apply soft, simple adjustments to the neck area to ensure that the muscles in your neck and back are in good working order to help prevent neck pain.
If you have neck pain, a chiropractor may be able to help you find pain relief, depending on your condition. Contact your local chiropractor to schedule an appointment today.